Campaigns and Elections

A Primary of Ideas
Former Congressman Harold Ford called on Democrats to make this the primary, not about money, but about ideas. He announced a new website It is to serve as an online laboratory for ideas.
Are Super Delegates Democratic?
The concept of super delegates, on its face, seems like un-democratic idea. But, are they a good thing or a bad thing, for the Democratic Party?
Brokered Conventions and Super Delegates
Broker conventions. Super delegates. If you have been following the election, you may have heard these words tossed around. What does a brokered convention mean for the party and who exactly are these super delegates who could decide who our candidate will be?
Checklist for Change
The Democratic women in the U.S. Senate stated that they, “believe it is time for a change in Washington: a change in tone and change in the level of commitment to addressing America’s priorities.” They created a ten item check list to achieve that change.
Chris Dodd's Backstage Pass
Presidential candidate Senator Chris Dodd gives us a backstage pass to his March 12, 2007 appearance on Comedy Central’s, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.
Conversations with Clinton
As Hillary Clinton sat on the couch in her home, with bookcase in the background, she began a conversation with America.
Democrat, Republican, Independent?
“How likely is a 5’7” Jew-from-New-York billionaire, who’s divorced and running as an independent, to become president of the United States?” That is the question New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is asking, and so are a lot of other people.
Divvying Up the Union Vote
When it comes to securing the union vote, presidential candidate John Edwards appears to be the winner. Edwards has found a way to make his environmentalist policies compatible with his pro-labor and populist policies. As unions mobilize their members, they could be a decisive voice in the campaign.
Edwards Plan for Universal Health Care
John Edwards has announced a plan for universal health care that would cover everyone in America. He said, “We will leave no one behind. We will not allow a single family or a single child in America to not have healthcare coverage and to not have the healthcare they need and deserve.”
How the Iowa Caucuses Work
If you live in a state where you vote in a primary, you may not know what a caucus is. A primary is basically a polling of the registered voters to determine their choice of candidate. But a caucus is a social event in which you elect the delegates who will represent your choice for a candidate.
It is Not Too Soon
It is not too soon to get involved in getting Democrats elected in 2008. The Democratic Party is preparing their first canvassing event for the 2008 election. On April 28, 2007, Democrats will go door to door to talk to their neighbors about how to get involved in electing Democrats in 2008.
Mr. Dodd Goes to Washington: Holds, Filibusters, and Cloture.
In Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Senator Jefferson Smith, uses the filibuster to single handily battle the corrupt politics of Washington. We may be seeing a little of that spirit in Washington today. Sen. Chris Dodd, in a one man crusade has place a hold on the FISA bill.
New Realism, A Progressive Foreign Policy
Presidential Candidate, Gov. Bill Richardson spoke at The Center for Strategic and International Studies. There he outlined a Progressive Foreign Policy for America’s future.
Presidential Candidate Shadowing Kit
Are you a health care voter? Will the candidate’s position on healthcare determine whom you vote for? It so, then the Americans for Health Care Presidential Candidate Shadowing Kit may be just the thing for you.
Socializing with Barack Obama
Presidential candidate Barack Obama has launched his own social networking site, Like MySpace and Facebook, allows users to create a profile, including uploading a photo to share with other users.
Swing Voters
This election may see new voters voting with the Democrats, voters who have traditionally been Republican. The question for the Democratic Party is can they choose a candidate who can hold all these potential swing voters and turn them into lifelong Democrats.
Tax Day Headaches Could be a Thing of the Past
Did you just spend hours calculating your taxes? Did you pay some one to figure out what your share of the cost of running the government is? Presidential candidate John Edwards wants to make it easier on you.
The Bradley Effect and Its Impact on Primaries and Caucuses
The polls before the New Hampshire primary got it all wrong, they were predicting double digit loses for Hilary Clinton. People told the pollsters they were going to vote for him. And yet in the privacy of the voting booth, voters returned a very different result.
The Difference Between Primaries and Caucuses
You've probably heard a lot about the Iowa Caucus and the New Hampshire Primary over the years. They are the first two political proving grounds for presidential candidates. But, have you every wondered what the difference is between a caucus and a primary?
The Machinery of Democracy, protecting elections in an electronic world
When you go to the polls to vote, these days, it is most likely going to be on an electronic voting system. The Brennan Center for Justice studied these voting systems and identified one hundred and twenty potential threats to these systems and specific countermeasures and remedies to these threats.
The Math Dont Work
Americans spoke loud and clear on Election Day. They want a new direction. Americans, across the country, chose progressive Democratic candidates.
Unity 08
There is a new independent party for the 2008 election. This party is different from other political parties because it does not require you to leave your current party affiliation. Their goal is to pick a unity ticket that will consist of a candidate from each major party via an online convention.
What You Need to Know About Texas
Texas has a two-step process with both a primary and a caucus. You start your day by voting in a traditional primary, and then if you voted in the primary, you can attend a caucus that night to award even more delegates.
What You Need to Know Before You Go to Vote
You are ready to do your civic duty. You are ready to have your voice heard. You are ready to vote. But you get to the polls and you have a problem. They will not let you vote. What to you do?
Why Tuesday?
Why do we vote on Tuesdays? The US Constitution does not mandate that federal elections take place on Tuesday. In 1845 federal law established Election Day as the Tuesday after the first Monday of November.
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