japaneseculture Feature Archive of Articles

This listing shows you every single article in the Japanese Culture Site! The articles are shown in date order, with the most recent articles on top. You can also use the search feature to search for something specific. These listings are shown 10 articles to a page.
Archive by Date | Archive by Article Title
Momotaro – Peach Boy
Hanako – School Toilet Ghost
Dumping Garbage In Japan
Shusseiuo – Fishes Whose Names Vary
Corrupted English In Japanese Language
Baffling Japanese Politeness – In A Train
Baffling Japanese Politeness – Queuing
Baffling Japanese Politeness - At The Movies
Setsubun - Bean Throwing Festival
History of Three Japanese Dishes
Archive by Date | Archive by Article Title
Momotaro – Peach Boy
In this article, find out some bite-sized information on a very famous old Japanese fable. But that's not all – learn about the actual places in Japan where this legend was based on. Yup, they are tourist attractions...
Hanako – School Toilet Ghost
You may have seen the widely acclaimed Japanese horror movie The Ring and its sequels, spinoffs, and other similar movies. Creepy as they are, you know they're fiction. But there's one ghost from urban legend that some Japanese people still believe exists – Hanako, she who haunts school toilets.
Dumping Garbage In Japan
You might wonder why there’s a need for an entire topic on this, but yes, there is... Find out why in this article.
Shusseiuo – Fishes Whose Names Vary
In this article, find out about “shusseiuo”, fishes whose names vary even though they’re still technically the same type. If you like sushi or are interested in knowing some tidbits about fish involved in sushi, the information provided here will be useful.
Corrupted English In Japanese Language
In this article, find out some of the English words the Japanese have murdered and resurrected in their corrupt forms for use in their daily lives.
Baffling Japanese Politeness – In A Train
Ah… Japan. The Land of (Baffling) Politeness. Even while you’re on a train in this country, you can’t escape from the air of politeness going all around… which, by the way, may or may not seem logical to a non-Japanese. Read this article, and make your own judgement on this.
Baffling Japanese Politeness – Queuing
You’ve read about the eerily unnatural silence you’d experience inside a Japanese movie theatre (if not, go check out Baffling Japanese Politeness – At The Movies). Now, read about the Japanese queuing custom, which will make you wonder if they actually are an inherently polite race or not…
Baffling Japanese Politeness - At The Movies
Being polite is a good thing. But too much of anything is never good. And because this is Japan we're talking about, it can be plain weird. You can't even escape from it at a Japanese movie theatre.
Setsubun - Bean Throwing Festival
In this article, learn about setsubun, the fun-laced Bean Throwing Festival held annually. Out with the devils, in with the good fortune!
History of Three Japanese Dishes
Maybe you’ve tried them, maybe not. Interested to know how certain Japanese dishes came about to be? In this article, let’s learn some bite-sized tidbits on the history of a couple of Japanese dishes.
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